Trick to Create fake Facebook Wall

Hello friends,today,once again we have come in front of you with a great facebook trick by which you can create a fake wall(timeline).With this trick you will be able to create a fake wall and will be able to prank your friends.So this can be considered as one of the amazing facebook trick,

So,first of all what is wall machine?The wall machine is a WYSIWYG tool for creating fake facebook walls.WYSIWYG means,what you see is what you get.

So,just follow the steps given below to craete your fake facebook wall

1.Go to this site-

2.Select connect

3.You will see a demo status with demo comments by celebs or likes by them.Click save which is given below

4.Now,enter a title that describes your wall and you can also add upto 3 tags

5.Click save.

6.Now you will see a link below like this

7.Select it and share over your wall.

Thats it.Your fake wall is ready now.Whenever people will see it on your wall they will be amazed to see this prank.And everybody will definitely love it.

So,this was all about "Creating fake facebook wall". I hope you really enjoyed this article.At any point if you are facing any problem,please comment,i will reply immediately.Please dont forget to like and share this article on social media.Thanks.
The Wall Machine is a WYSIWYG tool for creating Funny Fake Facebook Walls, news feeds and conversation
The Wall Machine is a WYSIWYG tool for creating Funny Fake Facebook Walls, ne
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