5 Simple Tips To Build Spider Friendly Blog

5 Simple Tips To Build Spider Friendly Blog

Spider also known as crawler or bot robot. It is used by search engines to find relevant information, from each blog, but not all of the relevant blog. Robotic crawler started its mission from the most popular websites. Robotic crawler continues to add keywords in their list as each link on a blog. In the same way, the robot crawler course also will find your blog. The rules of each search engine / search engine varied or different, but the basic process remains the same crawler.
5 Simple Tips To Build Spider Friendly Blog
I will give a few tips for my friend all the 5 things you need to do if my friend wants pal crawler robot love to be in your site with a blog spider friendly.
1. Robots.txt the Blog.
Robots.txt is the first choice of the robot crawler. Blog will be seen by the robot crawler, if you have these components. Robots.txt is an attractive temptation robot crawlers to consider the blog to be put into the category of quality blog. Every blog should have this component in the main directory so that the robot crawler can find it easily. 2 goals. One, this component is to tell the robot crawler, which pages do not need or do not need to index on the crawl, and two, this component acts as an invitation to draw the robot crawlers to your blog.

How to Insert Robots.txt On Blogs

To facilitate pal, all I also give tips include robot.txt on blogs.

- First paste this URL in the browser address bar buddy:


- After that will appear Robots.txt code blog.
- Copy all of the code.
- Then open Preferences Search Blog Buddy.
-  Unlock special content robots.txt? (SELECT YES)
- Then paste the code had been copied.
- Then click "SAVE CHANGES".
- Robots.txt were all Disabled , has now become Enabled .

2. Use the Right Title, Keywords, and Meta Tag.

The first thing crawl by crawler robot is a title (H1). Robotic crawler will crawl your blog title as instructed pal given attribute heading tags H1 , title and keywords. Buddy had to use descriptive keywords in the title and not too long. The ideal length for the title of the blog is only 60 to 70 characters. Besides the title, Meta tag meta tag is also important because it will deliver a message from your blog to the robot crawler.

For example:

<Meta content = ... name = description />

over the meta tag to make a brief overview of what your blog is.

3. Update Buddy Blog Publishes Article With Method Qualified Regularly.

The next thing is the content of the blog. In this regard, it is important that the friend had to publish quality content or articles regularly. If Friend Doing It, robotic crawlers will visit your blog quite often and of course your blog will automatically get a good ranking. Additionally, the keyword in the title should also be part of the blog messages.

Blogger SEO Tips Tricks Beginners, sending a message to the robot crawlers and visitors that this blog technocraze about SEO.

4. There should Sitemap In Blog Buddy.

Navigation is very easy for a robot crawler, if a blog has a sitemap. It would be easier for the robot crawlers to index your blog, but the sitemap should be in the form of text links.

5. The build quality and relevant backlinks.

Robotic crawler would think that a backlink is very important for a blog. If my friend has a good quality backlinks, robotic crawlers will rank your blog higher. However, backlinks must be relevant and of good quality, if not robotic crawlers will damage the reputation of your blog.

So these are 5 Simple Tips To Build Spider Friendly Blog can apply to your blog as well if my friend thinks that the current blog is not treated well by the robot crawler.

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